Urethane-induced transgenerational carcinogenesis in the offsprings of BALB/c male mice exposed to total body gamma irradiation
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transgenerational carcinogenesis

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Panchenko, A. V., Pigarev, S. E., Fedoros, E. I., Drachev, I. S., Yurova, M. N., Tyndyk, M. L., Semenov, A. L., Von, Y. D., Tumanyan, I. A., Bykov, V. N., & Anisimov, V. N. (2023). Urethane-induced transgenerational carcinogenesis in the offsprings of BALB/c male mice exposed to total body gamma irradiation . Voprosy Onkologii, 69(2), 246–252. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2023-69-2-246-252


Introduction. Genomic instability caused by ionizing radiation or chemical carcinogens of anticancer therapy poses a potential threat not only to the patients themselves, but also possibly to their offspring.

Aim. To investigate the risk of transgenerational transmission of increased susceptibility to chemical carcinogenesis of the lung in the offspring of irradiated male BALB/c mice.

Materials and methods. Male mice were subjected to whole-body gamma irradiation at a dose of 0 or 1 Gy. Thirty days after irradiation, they were mated with intact females of the same strain to produce F1 offspring. At 3 months of age, F1 offspring of both sexes were injected with urethane (600 mg/kg, four times with a 7-day gap).

Results. After 9 months of administering the carcinogen, macroscopically detected lung tumor incidence in the offspring of irradiated males was significantly higher than in the offspring of non-irradiated males, with a 49% increase (p < 0.05) in females and 43% increase (p < 0.01) in males. The majority of the tumors were adenocarcinomas. The mean number of adenocarcinomas per tumor-bearing mouse in the offspring of irradiated fathers was 83% higher (p < 0.05) in males and 53% higher (p < 0.05) in females compared to the offspring of non-irradiated fathers.

Conclusion. This study confirms that male mice exposed to whole-body gamma irradiation are at risk of transgenerational transmission of increased susceptibility to carcinogenesis.

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