Clinical experience of radiosurgical treatment for metastatic brain lesion in malignant tumors
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brain malignant tumors

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, , & . (2016). Clinical experience of radiosurgical treatment for metastatic brain lesion in malignant tumors. Voprosy Onkologii, 62(2), 258–264.


The data on radiosurgical treatment of 97 (50 men and 47 women) patients with metastatic brain lesion are presented. At the time of radiosurgical treatment the control over extracranial foci was in 44 patients. According to ECOG- WHO the general status of patients was assessed as 0-1in 70, as 2 in 20 and as 3-4 in 7 cases. The most common sources of metastatic tumors were lung, breast and skin melanoma. The vast majority of patients had from 1 to 4 foci of brain lesions. Median overall survival in patients with metastatic brain damage after radiosurgical treatment was 10.5 months. The median time to progression in the brain was 5,3 months. Both parameters significantly depended on the type of primary tumor. They were the worst for renal cell carcinoma and small cell lung cancer, slightly higher for skin melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer and the highest for the group of tumors of other locations. Overall survival was significantly reduced from 47% to 35% in the absence of the control over the extracranial foci. It practically was independent of whether one or more brain lesions were in a patient. The time to progression in the brain was unreliable greater in solitary foci.
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