Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Patients with Oncological Pathology Based on Skin Test with Recombinant Tuberculosis Allergen
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latent tuberculosis infection
malignant neoplasms
skin test with recombinant tuberculosis allergen

How to Cite

Stogova, N. (2023). Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Patients with Oncological Pathology Based on Skin Test with Recombinant Tuberculosis Allergen. Voprosy Onkologii, 69(4), 739–744.


Introduction. The emergence of tuberculosis in individuals from high-risk groups and the active detection of the disease remains a pertinent issue in healthcare. Patients with cancer may experience decreased immunity and immunosuppressive therapy, which can lead to the progression of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI).

Aim. To identify the presence of LTBI in patients with malignant neoplasms of various localization using the recombinant tuberculosis allergen skin test (Diaskintest®).

Materials and methods. The study examined immunological test data using the Diaskintest® test from medical records of 132 patients with verified diagnoses of malignant tumors of various localizations admitted to the Voronezh Regional TB Dispensary from 2011 to 2022 for the exclusion of active tuberculosis in the respiratory system. Among them, there were 100 (75.76 %) males and 32 (24.24 %) females aged between 44 and 86 years. The presence of LTBI in patients was confirmed by a positive reaction to the Diaskintest®.

Results. It was found that 37.1 % of patients with oncological diseases had LTBI, indicating an increased risk of tuberculosis progression. The presence of residual inactive tuberculous changes in various organs was associated with a higher occurrence of LTBI - 53.8 % compared to 30.1 % in their absence (p < 0.05).

Conclusion. When detecting and preparing for the treatment of cancer patients, it is advisable to screen them for latent tuberculosis using the Diaskintest®, followed by determining the need for preventive treatment and observation.
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