Using Regression Trees to Predict the Development of Immune-Mediated Adverse Events in Patients Receiving Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy
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immune-related adverse events
decision tree regression

How to Cite

Zhukova, N. V., Orlova, R. V., & Naymushina, P. A. (2024). Using Regression Trees to Predict the Development of Immune-Mediated Adverse Events in Patients Receiving Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy. Voprosy Onkologii, 70(4), 677–684.


Introduction. The toxicity of immune checkpoint inhibitors can be severe and in some cases fatal.

Aim. We conducted the trial to find predictive markers for the toxicity of immune therapy.

Materials and methods. In this paper, we analyzed data from 60 patients with solid tumors who received therapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors at the St. Petersburg City Oncology Dispensary from 2018 to 2021. A classification tree method was used to predict immune-related adverse events (irAEs) development based on analysis of age, sex, BMI, ECOG, PD-L1 expression, type of therapy, leukocyte fractions, and concomitant diseases variables.

Results. The constructed decision tree allows for predicting the risk of irAE with a sensitivity of 93 %, specificity of 66 %, positive predictive value of 78.9 %, and negative predictive value of 73.3 %. The most significant parameters were found to be PD-L1 expression (on immune and tumor cells) and age.

Conclusion. PD-L1 expression and age may have predictive value in forecasting the risk of irAE in patients receiving immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy.
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