Development of Oncoendocrinology at the N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology. Dedicated to V.M. Dilman
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hormonal carcinogenesis
prevention of age-related pathology

How to Cite

Bershtein , L. M., Tsyrlina , E. V., & Golubev, A. (2023). Development of Oncoendocrinology at the N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology. Dedicated to V.M. Dilman. Voprosy Onkologii, 69(6), 1115–1126.


The review outlines the history of the development of oncoendocrinology at N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology. It discusses the fundamental ideas of Vladimir Mikhailovich Dilman, including the elevation mechanism of aging, increased sensitivity threshold of the hypothalamic-pituitary system to homeostatic inhibition as the main mechanism of ontogenesis and the development of age-related pathologies, including malignant tumors. Ongoing research upholds V.M. Dilman's 1970s ideas, which encompass hyperestrogenia in the premenopausal period, hyperadaptosis, and metabolic syndrome. The article also presents the work conducted under the guidance of V.M. Dilman on the development of anahormones and the use of biguanides to influence the hormonally and metabolically driven shifts that inevitably occur during aging. The aim is to prevent the emergence of pathological changes in all major homeostatic systems of the body during the aging process. Furthermore, it provides data indicating that even after V.M. Dilman’s departure, L.M. Bershtein, who took over the laboratory, made a significant contribution to the development of oncoendocrinology by demonstrating that estrogens and glucose, in addition to their hormonal effects, can also exert genotoxic effects.
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