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How to Cite

Byvaltsev, V., Stepanov, I., Belykh, Y., & Yarullina, A. (2017). MOLECULAR ASPECTS OF ANGIOGENESIS IN BRAIN GLIOBLASTOMAS. Voprosy Onkologii, 63(1), 19–27.


It is known that angiogenesis plays a critical role in the growth and progression of brain gliomas. Inducing factor in neoangiogenesis are changes primarily occur within the intra-tumoral events: changing the structure of the microvasculature of tumor tissue, increased hypoxia adaptation of tumor cells and the synthesis of angiogenic factors, cell growth. Due to the location of abnormal blood vessels in the tumor tissue generated chaotic flow of blood, which leads to severe hypoxia - as a key factor in inducing the angiogenesis process. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) is the main molecule that regulates the growth and progression of glial tumors. Glioma cells, with their inherent properties of stem cells actively synthesized HIF-1. This population of cells called - “glioma stem cells” inducing synthesis of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). It VEGF is central to the process of angiogenesis. A promising area of targeted therapy of brain gliomas is the anti-angiogenic therapy. Applications, both direct and indirect angiogenesis inhibitors, significantly improved the prognosis of patients with glial brain tumors. Undoubtedly an integrated approach to the study of microvascular disturbances, hypoxia, biology and cell behavior of “glioma stem cells” and the role of various factors of cell growth in the tumorigenesis of brain gliomas of the brain allows us to develop new and effective methods of diagnosis and treatment of this disease in the near future.
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