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Korytova, L., Meshechkin, A., Korytov, O., & Krasnikova, V. (2017). POSSIBILITY TO REDUCE THROMBOCYTOPENIA AFTER CHEMORADIOTHERAPY IN ONCOLOGICAL PATIENTS. Voprosy Onkologii, 63(3), 466–469. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2017-63-3-466-469


Objective was to establish efficiency of sodium nucleospermat in correcting thrombocytopenia after chemoradiotherapy in oncological patients.

Methods and materials. The study included data on 32 patients that had undergone combined treatment from January till May 2016. After detecting thrombocytopenia patients were randomized into two groups (16 patients in each): treated group, where patients received sodium nucleospermat, and control group, where sodium nucleospermat was not used. Thrombocyte level control was done on 5th, 10th and 15th day after treatment was over.

Results and discussion. All 16 patients showed positive dynamics in increasing thrombocyte level after Sodium nucleospermat injection course was finished. This was proven by first (5th day) blood analysis. On average thrombocyte level after sodium nucleospermat treatment has risen to normal, at 161х109/1. Only 3 patients from this group had to pause radiotherapy for 5 days. Control group patients, which did not receive sodium nucleospermat, showed evidence of thrombocyte level recovery by 10th day only. On average thrombocyte level increase was insignificant, and median number was 111*109/l. Low thrombocyte level was main reason to pause radiotherapy for 11 (69%) patients in control group.

Conclusion. Sodium nucleospermat allowed raising thrombocyte level to the lower normal range, which surpassed by 40%-50% in control group patients. Use of sodium nucleospermat did not show any cases of allergic reactions, toxicity or complications in oncological patients.

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