The article considers the estimation of probability of a lesion of the projection skin flap over tumor for the possibility of displacement of the surgical access into aesthetically acceptable zones during the surgical treatment of nodular breast cancer. The results of examinations of 240 patients (T1-3N0-3M0) were analyzed. It was determined that the risk factors affecting a lesion of the projection skin flap were the presence of the symptom "site" in the patient as well as the topographic and anatomical indicators: tumor less than 3 cm in size, located at a depth of less than 0.8 ± 0.2 cm, tumor more than 3 cm in size, located at a depth of less than 1.5 cm. Based on the data obtained an algorithm for the actions of a practicing oncologist was drawn up for a one-stage reconstruction of the breast from an aesthetically acceptable zone.References
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