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Nikolenko, V., Kochurova, Y., & Mukhanov, A. (2017). ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS OF SQUAMOUS CELL CANCER OF THE MUCOUS MEMBRANE OF THE ORAL CAVITY. Voprosy Onkologii, 63(5), 703–707.


Modern data of the etiology of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity (MMOC) show an increasing prevalence of the disease, a high mortality rate despite the development of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment. SCC is a group of polyetiological diseases. Among the most often etiological factors the use of tobacco products is found as one of the main cause of the disease with the division into active or passive methods of their use, prevalence and potential pathogenicity. Also the risk of the development of SCC MMOC depends on the consumption of alcoholic product as the long-acting traumatic factor. There were analyzed and considered the most common precancerous diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth, their private and common significance in the structure of precancerous diseases. There was revealed the high correlation between periodontal disease and the development of SCC MMOC, which corresponded to the general assumption about the risk of oncology development against the background of chronic infection in the oral cavity. There were identified new data of the relation between the carriers of some types of the viruses of human papillomavirus and the development of SCC MMOC. Particular understanding of the causal relation of presented on-copathology allowed judging the lack of preventive measures, the necessity of required qualification of specialists of dental and related profile.
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