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Akopov, A., Rusanov, A., Urtenova, M., Kazakov, N., Cheremnykh, A., Chistyakov, I., Gerasin, A., & Romanikhin, A. (2017). EFFECTIVENESS OF ENDOBRONCHIAL PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY IN COMBINATION WITH CHEMOTHERAPY IN NON-SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER. Voprosy Onkologii, 63(6), 882–885. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2017-63-6-882-885


Aim. To evaluate safety and effectiveness of combined treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) including chemotherapy and endobronchial PDT.

Methods. Results of treatment for two groups of patients with central advanced NSCLC were compared, 75 patients in each. In arm A first line chemotherapy with endobronchial photodynamic therapy (PDT) was done, in arm B - chemotherapy only. PDT was performed with the use of chlorine based photosensitizers in the dose of 1 mg/kg body weight.

Results. Investigated groups were comparable. No serious PDT complications were observed. The number of patients progression (p=0,05) was significantly different in favour of arm A. Remission in arm A was noted in 90% of patients, in arm B - in 76% (p=0,02). One-year survival was 60% and 41% for groups A and B, respectively (р=0,03).

Conclusion. Combination of endobronchial PDT and chemotherapy is safe and effective, makes possible to improve results of treatment and survival in central advanced NSCLC.

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