Results of preoperative radiation therapy for 119 patients with resectable rectal T3-4N0-1M0 cancer were analyzed. 52 patients received a short-term course of the large-fraction radiation therapy and 67 patients received a prolonged course of chemoradiation therapy. The results demonstrated that the prolonged course reduced clinical signs of the disease twice as much as the short course, it reduced the tumor size and increased the distance to the anorectal line (p<0.05) which increased the number of sphincter-preserving surgeries for cancer of the rectal lower ampulla. 1-year disease-free survival after the prolonged course was 20% higher in comparison with the short-term course (Long-Rank Test=0.045). 3-year disease-free and overall survival was similar in both groups of patients. The advantages of short and prolonged courses of preoperative radiation therapy for rectal cancer should be considered when planning the treatment.References
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