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How to Cite

Miryusupova, G., Khakimov, G., & Shayusupov, N. (2018). AGE FEATURES OF MOLECULAR-BIOLOGICAL SUBTYPES OF BREAST CANCER IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN. Voprosy Onkologii, 64(2), 196–199.


According to the results of breast cancer data in the Republic of Uzbekistan in addition to the increase in morbidity and mortality from breast cancer among women the presence of age specific features among indigenous women in the direction of “rejuvenating” of the disease with all molecular-biological (phenotypic) subtypes of breast cancer were marked. Within the framework of age-related features the prevalence of the least favorable phenotypes of breast cancer was found among indigenous women: Her2/neu hyperexpressive and three times negative subtype of breast cancer. The data obtained made it possible to build a so-called population “portrait” of breast cancer on the territory of the Republic, which in turn would contribute to further improvement of cancer care for the female population of the country.
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