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How to Cite

Korneva, Y., Maryakhina, V., & Dorosevich, A. (2019). FLUORIMETRY APPLICATION FOR DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF COLORECTAL CANCER AND PRECANCEROUS LESIONS ON HISTOLOGICAL SECTIONS. Voprosy Onkologii, 65(1), 121–125. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2019-65-1-121-125


In the investigation we compared autofluorescence spectra of colon cancer (CC) and precancerous lesions by fluorimetry in different parts of colon. 78 biopsies from different pathological processesin colon, reflecting the basic steps of CC, were investigated. It is shown, that autofluorescence spectra of all types of adenomas as well as adenocarcinomas have two maxima at 260÷270 nm and at 330÷340 nm. The first maximum is primarily defined by tryptophan- and phenylalanine-containing peptides. The second maximum of the spectra is mainly defined by collagen and NADH presence. The results demonstrate not only peculiarities in spectral characteristics of benign and malignant tumors depending on their localization, but also explain different risk of adenomas to malignant transformation, depending on theirtype The obtained results can be used for further improving of differential diagnosis of colonic neoplasia.
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