The article covers the life and career of the outstanding oncologist Nikolai Pavlovich Napalkov (1932-2008). He was born and raised in a family of hereditary practitioners of professional medicine, who were the pride of Russian medicine. In his childhood Nikolai Pavlovich was involved in the World War II and later in 1956 he graduated with honors from the Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Medical Institute. During his postgraduate studies he was a student of an academician L.M. Shabad at the Institute of Oncology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (Leningrad). He connected all his studies and scientific research with alma mater and consecuently headed the Institute. High expertise and visionary decisions were highly recognized by the international community - he was appointed Head of the WHO Oncology Department (1970-1974), then Assistant Director-General of WHO (1989-1998). N.P. Napalkov created a school of experimental oncologists and epidemiologists who hold leading positions in Russian oncology.
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Napalkov N.P., Anisimov V.N., Likhachev A.J., Tomatis L. 5-Bromodeoxyuridine-induced carcinogenesis and its modification by persistent estrus syndrome, unilateral nephrectomy, and X-irradiation in rats. Cancer Res. 1989; 49(2): 318-323.
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