Introduction. Long-term outcomes of metastatic urothelial cancer remain unsatisfactory: the 5-year survival rate for this disease is less than 15 %. It is important to develop and introduce into clinical practice new drugs, including targeted agents, and the individualization of systemic therapy for urothelial cancer based on molecular genetic analysis of tumor tissue. Erdafitinib, a new drug developed for the treatment of locally advanced and metastatic urothelial cancer with certain genetic alterations in the FGFR2 and FGFR3 receptors, was registered in Russia in 2023.
Materials and Methods. This work investigated the distribution of clinically relevant mutations/translocations affecting the FGFR2/3 genes in a large number urothelial cancer patients in Russia using a new test system developed on the basis of highly sensitive methods, such as digital droplet PCR and real-time PCR.
Results and Conclusion. 34 out of 182 patients (18.7 %) presented genetic aberrations. These aberrations included mutations R248C (n = 4), S249C (n = 16), G370C (n = 4) and Y373C (n = 8) in the FGFR3 gene, and translocation FGFR3-TACC3 (F17;T11) (n = 2). FGFR3 gene alterations were more frequent in upper urinary tract tumors: mutations/translocations were found in 5/8 (62.5 %) renal pelvic cancer patients, in 2/6 (33.3 %) ureteral cancer patients and in 21/120 (17.5 %) bladder cancer patients (p = 0,008). There was also an association with patient age and a tendency for more frequent detection of mutations in the localized form of the disease (stages 1-2).
Conclusion. The developed methods of mutation and translocation testing can be further used in clinical practice to determine the sensitivity of tumours to erdafitinib treatment.
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