Clinical report of a patient with primary mediastinal B-large cell lymphoma
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primary mediastinal B cell lymphoma
diagnostic errors
surgical intervention

How to Cite

Kamaeva, I., Lysenko, I., Nikolaeva, N., Kapuza, E., Lazutin, I., & Oskin, S. (2021). Clinical report of a patient with primary mediastinal B-large cell lymphoma. Voprosy Onkologii, 67(5), 718–723.


Primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma is a variant of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with the predominant involvement of mediastinal lymph nodes, which affects young women. Diagnosis of this nosology is difficult due to the rare involvement of peripheral lymph nodes, as well as the rapid increase of clinical manifestations, such as the syndrome of compression of the vena cava superior and the development of the respiratory failure. The article presents a clinical case of a patient who was operated and complications that occurred due to inadequate diagnostic and therapeutic tactics. There aren`t any descriptions of the clinical manifestations of the disease which could led to a diagnostic error in literature. We present our own observation of a patient with PMBCL and discuss a practical diagnostic algorithms for mediastinal tumors. The diagnosis of PMBCL can be established only as a result of morphological examination, it is important that surgeons and pathologists remember about it. This case is important not only because it provides information about such a lymphoproliferative disease as PMBCL, but also reminds about such a diagnostic error in oncology-treatment without verification. We tried to emphasize the nesessary of strict implementation of the algorithm for differential diagnosis of the anterior mediastinal neoplasms, especially for young people. I hope that this case will contribute to the expansion of knowledge and the prevention of errors in order to achieve better results.
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