Dynamics of the key parameters of quality of life in patients with pelvic bone tumors after endoprosthetics with individual implants
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pelvic bone tumors
additive technologies
quality of life
pain syndrome

How to Cite

Shchelkova, . O., Sushentsov, E. ., Sofronov, D. ., Agaev , D., Usmanova , E., Wasserman, . L. ., & Isurina , G. (2022). Dynamics of the key parameters of quality of life in patients with pelvic bone tumors after endoprosthetics with individual implants. Voprosy Onkologii, 68(5), 639–649. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2022-68-5-639-649


We present the findings of a dynamic study of the key parameters of quality of life in 24 patients (average age 44.42±3.13 years; 14 (58.3%) males) with pelvic bone tumors who underwent limb salvage [organ preservation] treatment at the National Medical Research Centre of Oncology named after N.N. Blokhin to the extent of tumor removal and restoration of the defect with individual implants created by means of three-dimensional printing. Used were two internationally accepted diagnostic tools for assessing quality of life in cancer patients and the author's «Quality-of-Life Questionnaire for patients who underwent surgery on the pelvic bones» covering 28 indices. The findings of the study testify to there being no significant positive dynamics of the general quality of life measure, decrease in satisfaction with physical and social activity in patients, which may be related to unreasonably high patient expectations regarding success in life after limb salving surgery; there is clinically justified increase in neurological symptoms. Correlation analysis of life quality indices with other characteristics of patients was performed. It turned out that the severity of pain after endoproshetics is negatively associated with the general physical state of the patient and the functional result of endoproshetics, and positively — with age and compliance. A clinical example of quality of life dynamics after endoprosthetics with good functional result is presented.

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