Quality Assessment in Medical Care Provided under the Russia's Obligatory Medical Insurance System in Medical Disputes (A Case Study of Oncological Care)
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экспертиза качества медицинской помощи; медицинские судебные споры; оспаривание экспертных заключений

How to Cite

Tkachenko, E. V., Semenov, S. L., Bartenev, D. G., Kondratev, S. V., & Tipisova, O. D. (2024). Quality Assessment in Medical Care Provided under the Russia’s Obligatory Medical Insurance System in Medical Disputes (A Case Study of Oncological Care). Voprosy Onkologii, 70(4), 765–774. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2024-70-4-765-774


The quality assessment of medical care within the framework of obligatory medical insurance serves not only as an important tool for identifying defects at various stages of medical care provision but also, in some cases, opens up potential opportunities for patients or their relatives to file legal claims against health care providers. Therefore, the quality assessment of medical care should not be viewed solely as an economic tool for influencing medical organizations. The expert evaluation of medical care quality within the obligatory medical insurance system can become evidence in medical disputes and, consequently, a basis for holding a medical organization or healthcare worker legally accountable. Understanding the procedure and legal consequences of medical care quality assessment enables medical organizations to evaluate potential legal expenses, timely contest the assessment results, engage in meaningful dialogue with the expert, and thereby avoid significant costs in disputes with patients.


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