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Potapov, A., Boyarkina, A., Kostyuk, I., Ivanov, S., & Galkin, V. (2017). POSTOPERATIVE ANALGESIA IN ONCOLOGIC HOSPITAL: CURRENT STATUS AND PROSPECTS. Voprosy Onkologii, 63(1), 95–98.


Observational study of the postoperative analgesia efficacy with multimodal approach (acetaminophen, NSAIDs, opioids, regional analgesia) in 100 oncological patients has been conducted. On the first day after the surgery maximum pain level was 5 (3-7) points of numeric rating scale (NRS), 38% of patients experienced severe pain (NRS>6 points). After laparo-, thoracoscopic, videoassisted interventions and in cases of epidural analgesia NRS levels were 3 (1-6) and 3 (2-5) points respectively. After the surgeries with high risk of chronic post-surgical pain (thoracic, mammary gland interventions, Phan-nenstiel incision) NRS level was 6 (1-7) points. Patients in this group more often experienced severe pain than in the rest group - 56,7% vs. 32,5% (P.=0.037). Suggesting results of this study and data of current literature the perspectives of further improvement of postoperative analgesia in oncology have been formulated.
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