Impact of surrogate molecular biological subtype on breast cancer survival: in-depth epidemiological analysis based on the Archangelsk regional cancer registry data
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breast cancer
surrogate molecular biological subtypes
prognostic factors
population cancer registry

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Agaeva , A., Gromov , D., Chemakina , O., Svetlakova , A., Valkova , L., Dyachenko, A., Bogdanov , D., & Valkov , M. (2023). Impact of surrogate molecular biological subtype on breast cancer survival: in-depth epidemiological analysis based on the Archangelsk regional cancer registry data . Voprosy Onkologii, 69(4), 639–647.


Aim. To evaluate a prognostic value of the surrogate molecular biological subtypes of breast cancer (BC) by the data of Arkhangelsk Regional Cancer Registry (ARCR) over the period 2010-2020. 

Materials and methods. A continuous sampling of breast cancer patient records from the AOCR database was combined with immunohistochemical (IHC) data from the pathological database, including estrogen and progesterone receptors, Her2neu, and Ki67 levels. The surrogate molecular biological subtypes were determined based on the combination of these markers. Cancer-specific survival (CSS) and overall survival (OS) were assessed using the Kaplan-Meier methods and the life table method. The prognostic value of factors available in the registry database was assessed using Cox regression.

Results. 5 357 cases of BC were selected, and the surrogate subtype was determined in 3048 cases. The 5-year CSS rates for luminal A (LA), luminal B (LB), luminal B Her2neu-positive (LBHer2neu+), hormone receptor-negative Her2neu-positive (HR-Her2neu+), and triple-negative (TN) BC were 89.9 %, 78.8 %, 79.3 %, 65.2 %, and 66.7 %, respectively; 5-year OS rates were 80.2 %, 69.0 %, 72.4 %, 61.6 %, and 59.4 %, respectively, (p < 0.0001). Molecular subtype did not affect the prognosis of OS at stage I and the prognosis of CSS at stages I-II. In multivariate analysis, there was a significantly higher risk of death from BC and from any cause for LB, HR-Her2neu+ and TNBC compared to the LA subtype.

Conclusion. Surrogate molecular biological subtypes of BC in the Russian population are associated with survival prognosis. Further analysis of non-breast cancer-related mortality is needed.
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