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Dubovichenko, D., Valkov, M., Merabishvili, V., Karpunov, A., Shcherbakov, A., Valkova, L., & Pankrateva, A. (2020). EPIDEMIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF SURVIVAL IN RECTAL CANCER: A LITERATURE REVIEW AND THE RESULTS OF OWN RESEARCH. Voprosy Onkologii, 66(1), 36–41. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2020-66-1-36-41


The article presents the epidemiological characteristics of rectal cancer (RC) over the world and in Russia, describes approaches to measuring the burden of the RC based on data from the scientific literature. It has been shown that the dynamics and levels of RC survival at the regional, national and global level should be assessed only on the basis population cancer registries data. The factors affecting survival in the RC are described. Based on the published experience of organizing the diagnosis and treatment of RC in economically developed countries, measures are proposed for further improvement of survival in the RC in Russia.
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