Introduction. The first line of therapy for primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma is controversial. The most uncertain issue is the appointment of radiation therapy after the medicinal stage of treatment. According to the results of several retrospective studies, consolidative radiotherapy can be abandoned in patients with a complete metabolic response and a partial metabolic histologically negative response.
Aim. To compare the long-term results of treatment in patients with a complete metabolic response and a partial metabolic histologically negative response after the medicinal stage of treatment, depending on the use of consolidative radiotherapy.
Materials and Methods. We retrospectively analyzed the long-term treatment results (progression-free survival and overall survival) of 63 patients, 31 patients received only 6 courses of DA-EPOCH-R chemotherapy and 32 patients additionally received consolidative radiotherapy after the medicinal stage of treatment.
Results. Progression-free survival was 93.6 % in the observation arm and 93.8 % in the radiotherapy arm, HR 0.55 (95 % CI 0.07-4.21). The overall survival was 96.8 % in the observation arm and 96.9 % in the radiotherapy arm, HR 0.98 (95 % CI 0.06-15.74).
Conclusion. These results demonstrate the absence of a positive effect of radiotherapy on long-term treatment outcomes in patients with a complete metabolic response and a partial metabolic histological negative response after immunochemotherapy, and allow the omission of consolidative radiotherapy without loss of treatment efficacy.
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