Gastrointestinal Tract Tumors with Microsatellite Instability: A Single-Center Experience
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microsatellite instability
DNA mismatch repair system
immunohistochemical analysis
gastrointestinal tumors
immune checkpoint inhibitors

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Beliak, N. P., Orlova, R. V., Raskin, G. A., Kutukova, S. I., Androsova, A. V., Smirnova, N. V., Varankina, A. A., & Наталенко, С. А. (2025). Gastrointestinal Tract Tumors with Microsatellite Instability: A Single-Center Experience. Voprosy Onkologii, 71(1), 143–154.


Introduction. The development of microsatellite instability as a result of germline or sporadic mutations in the genes of the mismatched nucleotide repair (MMR) system is a key link in triggering the mechanisms of carcinogenesis through the formation of tumor neoantigens that are targets for T lymphocytes, which ultimately determines the high immunogenicity of these tumors and their sensitivity to immune checkpoint inhibitors.

Aim. To determine the clinical and morphological characteristics of gastric, colon and rectal tumors with microsatellite instability.

Materials and Methods. The retrospective analysis included 76 patients with established dMMR (36 patients with colorectal cancer and 42 patients with gastric malignancies).

Results. Common characteristics for the above described tumors are: locally advanced nature of the process (T3-T4, N2-N3), complicated course of the disease, predominant in IHC testing, loss of PMS2, MLH1 proteins, progression and low rate of achieving objective response against the background of PCT, high efficacy of IT alone or in combination with PCT (disease control rate (65 % and 73.68 % for gastric and colorectal cancer, respectively); median progression-free survival in patients who completed treatment with checkpoint inhibitors was not as high as in the gastric and colorectal cancer groups.
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##article.numberofviews## 115
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