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Zikiryakhodzhaev, A., Rasskazova, Y., & Khakimova, S. (2019). ONCOLOGICAL SAFETY OF RADICAL SUBCUTANEOUS/ SKIN-SPARING MASTECTOMIES WITH SIMULTANEOUS RECONSTRUCTION IN CANCER. Voprosy Onkologii, 65(6), 832–837. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2019-65-6-832-837


The article analyzes 472 patients diagnosed with breast cancer (breast cancer) who underwent radical subcutaneous/ skin-sparing mastectomy in combined or complex treatment. In the Department of Oncology and reconstructive plastic surgery of breast and skin mnioi them.P. A. Herzen radical skin-sparing mastectomy was performed in 255 (54.1 %) and radical subcutaneous mastectomy in 217 (45.9 %) patients. Reconstruction was carried out by autotissues, expander, followed by replacement with an endoprosthesis, as well as a combination of patches and endoprostheses. The mean age of patients was 43.8±2.2 (18-73) years. 11 (2,3±0,7 %) patients were diagnosed with relapse of breast cancer, while in 6 cases local and in 5 cases regional relapse (metastases in subclavian lymph nodes). Treatment of recurrences of breast cancer was as follows: in two cases, polychemotherapy courses were conducted, in 8 operations were performed - excision of relapse in the breast (3) and subclavian lymphadenectomy (2), removal of the reconstructed gland (3), in 1 case - radiation therapy. In 13 % recurrences of breast cancer were diagnosed at stage III OF breast cancer, the lowest percentage of relapse was 1.4 % at stage I. In luminal type A, recurrence of breast cancer was diagnosed in 1.8 %, in luminal B in 3.6 %, in triple negative type - 2.5 %, in luminal In Neg2 positive - 4.1 %. Metastases of breast cancer in our group of patients were diagnosed in 26 (5.5±1 %) patients. The highest percentage of long-term metastasis in our study revealed - 12.5 % at stage III, the lowest percentage of 3.4 at stage I breast cancer. 3-year overall survival of breast cancer patients in our group was 97.4 % (n=269).

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