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Girshovich, M., Ponomareva, O., Melnik, Y., Novikov, S., Khrapovitskaya, Y., & Kanaev, S. (2020). RADIOSURGERY OF BRAIN METASTASES: RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF 5 YEAR RESULTS. Voprosy Onkologii, 66(5), 540–548.


In 5 year 180 patients (89 men and 91 women) underwent radiosurgery of brain metastases. Most patients had breast cancer and less than 5 lesions. Median overall survival (MOS) was 12,5 months, median progression free survival (MPFS) - 6,1 months. Both values were higher in patients with solitary lesions: 22.5 vs 10 months (р=0.00703) and 9 vs 6 months (р=0.02787), respectively.MOS was 18 in women with breast cancer, 12 months in patients with non small cell lung cancer. 8 - with melanoma and only 4 months - for small cell lung cancer. MPFS was significantly shorter for lesions volumes above 15 cm3. In field progression was detected in 37 (2-24 months after treatment) of 180 cases (20,5%). Second radiosurgery was performed in 24 cases.
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