Review Cancer incidence in Five Continents Vol. XI / Ed. by F. Bray, M. Colombet, L. Mery, M. Piñeros, A. Znaor, R. Zanetti and J. Ferlay. IARC Sci. publ. № 166, Lyon, France, 1545 p.
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How to Cite

Merabishvili, V. (2021). Review Cancer incidence in Five Continents Vol. XI / Ed. by F. Bray, M. Colombet, L. Mery, M. Piñeros, A. Znaor, R. Zanetti and J. Ferlay. IARC Sci. publ. № 166, Lyon, France, 1545 p. Voprosy Onkologii, 67(6), 855.


 Presented review "Cancer incidence in Five Continents" Vol. XI / Ed. by F. Bray, M. Colombet, L. Mery, M. Piñeros, A. Znaor, R. Zanetti and J. Ferlay.
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