Effect of Polyphenol Composition BP-C2 on the Rate of Liver Tumor Reversion of Transgenic Progeny of Irradiated Fish Danio Rerio
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Danio rerio

How to Cite

Anisimov, V. N., Mizgire, I. V., Panchenko , A. V., Von , Y. D., Osipov , A. A., & Fedoros, E. I. (2024). Effect of Polyphenol Composition BP-C2 on the Rate of Liver Tumor Reversion of Transgenic Progeny of Irradiated Fish Danio Rerio . Voprosy Onkologii, 70(2), 278–285. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2024-70-2-278-285


Introduction. Chemo- and radio- therapy in oncology patients may lead to late effects including development of second primary tumors, impairment of fertility, and negative effects on offspring health. Therefore, the unmet needs in concomitant therapy to reduce these effects requires further experimental research.

Aim. To study effects of polyphenolic composition BP-C2 on the rate of the liver tumor reversion in transgenic progeny of irradiated males of zebrafish Danio rerio.

Materials and Methods. Adult non-transgenic 8-month-old male fish were irradiated with 5 Gy X-ray. Then half of the fish was exposed to BP-C2 solution (50 mg/L for 24 h). Intact fish were used as control. 85 days after irradiation male fish (F0) of irradiated and control groups were crossed with heterozygous transgenic Tg (fabp10:TA; TRE:xmrk; krt4:GFP) female fish to produce F1 progeny. This transgenic fish are able to develop reversible hepatocellular carcinomas under doxycycline (DOX) treatment. Six-month-old F1 fish were exposed to DOX (60 µg/ml) for 25 days and after 10-day recovery in clean water were euthanized for histopathological liver examination.

Results. The number of hepatocyte nuclei per tissue sections was used as marker for liver hyperplasia. As a result, hepatocyte nuclei count was significantly higher in the progeny of the irradiated fish (906,8 ± 27.3), than in the progeny of the control male fish (691.6 ± 34.1, p = 0.0003) or of males treated with BP-C2 post-irradiation (761.3 ± 27.4, p = 0.0069).

Conclusion. BP-C2 composition facilitated of normalization of liver tumors reversion rate in transgenic progeny of irradiated fish. It could be considered as a promising approach for prevention of transgenerational effects of irradiation.

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