Comparison of Stem Cell Mobilization Efficacy with Intermediate Dose Cytarabine Versus Cyclophosphamide or Plerixafor in Poor Mobilizers
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stem cell transplantation
stem cell mobilization
poor mobilizers

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Elkhova, S. S., Filatova, L. V., Zyuzgin, I. S., Volchyonkov, S. A., Ishmatova, I. V., Zverkova, A. A., Nikulina, Y. A., Kramynin, L. A., Dobrovolskaya, E. V., & Semiglazova, T. Y. (2024). Comparison of Stem Cell Mobilization Efficacy with Intermediate Dose Cytarabine Versus Cyclophosphamide or Plerixafor in Poor Mobilizers. Voprosy Onkologii, 70(4), 727–732.


Introduction. Insufficient stem cell mobilization is a challenge in planning autologous bone marrow transplantation. There is still no optimal approach for poor mobilizers. Recent studies demonstrate high efficacy of intermediate dose cytarabine as stem cell mobilization regimen.

Aim. To compare the efficacy of mobilization with an intermediate dose of cytarabine + G-CSF with the existing mobilization regimens: cyclophosphamide + G-CSF and the combination of plerixafor + G-CSF.

Materials and methods. We retrospectively analyzed the mobilization results of 85 patients classified as predicted poor mobilisers. Of these patients, 28 were mobilized with cytarabine + G-CSF, 28 with cyclophosphamide + G-CSF and 29 with plerixafor + G-CSF.

Results. The median number of collected CD34+ cells was 10,2 × 106/kg in cytarabine group, 7,2 × 106/kg in cyclophosphamide group and 2,5 × 106/kg in plerixafor group (р < 0,0001). The maximum number of circulating CD34+ cells was 153/ml in cytarabine group, 129/ml in cyclophosphamide group and 33/ml in plerixafor group (р = 0,005).

Conclusion. These results demonstrate high efficacy of intermediate dose cytarabine as stem cell mobilization regimen. This approach may be the treatment of choice in stem cell mobilization for predicted poor mobilizers.
##article.numberofdownloads## 103
##article.numberofviews## 293
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