Mimicry in Oncology: A Rare Clinical Case of Inflammatory Pseudotumor of the Liver
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inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver
focal liver lesion
contrast-enhanced ultrasound
magnetic resonance imaging

How to Cite

Busko, E. A., Kozubova, K. V., Kulish, A. V., Bagnenko, S. S., Liubimskaya, E. S., & Klimashevskiy , V. F. (2024). Mimicry in Oncology: A Rare Clinical Case of Inflammatory Pseudotumor of the Liver. Voprosy Onkologii, 70(4), 741–748. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2024-70-4-741-748


Inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver is a rare lesion with non-specific clinical and radiological signs. This disease is of interest because of the lack of a pathognomonic radiological pattern, which leads to mimicry of malignant tumors and possible errors in differential diagnosis. We present the clinical case of a 47-year-old man with spontaneous regression of an inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver. The aim of the clinical observation was to demonstrate multimodal imaging of the disease under study. Despite its rare occurrence and wide polymorphism, physicians of various specialties should be aware of this pathology and include it in the differential diagnosis when making the diagnosis and choosing the tactics of further management of the patient.

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