Introduction. Family members of people with cancer play a crucial role in looking after overall health of their loved ones, including physical, emotional, and social well-being. They also commonly experience the impact of the illness on themselves.
Aim. To investigate the psychological status characteristics of relatives of cancer patients.
Materials and methods. The study included 111 relatives of chronically ill patients: 30 relatives caring for cancer patients (mean age 47.6; SD 13.18 years); 33 relatives of patients with epilepsy (mean age 49; SD 12.93 years) and 48 relatives of patients with schizophrenia and schizotypal disorders (mean age 54.31; SD 9.46 years). The assessment tools used included the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R), the The Level of Relatives' Emotional Burnout (LREB), the Evaluation of Negative Consequences of Informal Caregiving, and the Family Environment Scale (FES).
Results. Factor analysis using the principal component method identified six factors explaining 64.73 % of the total variance: the subjective severity of psychopathological symptoms, mobilization of individual psychological resources, social anxiety level, the severity of family interaction «facade», disease burden, and the patient's autonomy level factor. Comparison of the studied groups of relatives based on factor scale values demonstrated similarities in disease burden and perception of family situations. At the same time, relatives of cancer patients exhibited a higher severity and range of psychopathological symptoms and a decrease in the mobilization of psychological resources compared to relatives of patients with epilepsy and schizophrenia.
Conclusion. Primary psychological interventions for relatives of oncology patients should address emotional responses to accumulated stress during interactions with the patient, exploration of existential experiences related to the loss of previous relationships with the patient, and psychological preparedness for accepting the death of a loved one in case of a fatal prognosis.
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