Glioma C6 perivascular changes of invasion structural parameters variation (research study).
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peritumoral zones

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Kostenikov, N., Dubrovskaya, V., Kovanko, E., Mirolyubova, O., Mukhina, M., Ilyushchenko, Y., Stanzhevsky, A., & Maistrenko, D. (2022). Glioma C6 perivascular changes of invasion structural parameters variation (research study). Voprosy Onkologii, 67(1), 144–149.


A comparative study of the structural characteristics of microvessels with a perivascular arrangement of tumor cells and microvessels with normal structure located in the peritumoral zones of an intracranially implanted glioblastoma ("glioma C6") was conducted. The study was performed on rats. Morphometric method was used to determine the area, internal diameter and length of microvessels for 21 days after the introduction of tumor cells into the brain of rats. Changes in the structure of microvessels with glioblastoma cells were registered throughout the entire observation period. The active role of perivascularly located tumor cells in the transformation of the structure and properties of microvessels involved in the process of glioblastoma invasion into brain tissue is considered.

Key words: glioblastoma, microvessels, morphometry, peritumoral zones.
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