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Zikiryakhodzhaev, A., Shirokikh, I., Ablitsova, N., Yermoshchenkova, M., Khakimova, S., Khakimova, G., & Tukmakov, A. (2019). EFFECT OF RADIATION THERAPY ON BREAST IMMEDIATE RECONSTRUCTION IN BREAST CANCER PATIENTS. Voprosy Onkologii, 65(3), 374–385. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2019-65-3-374-385


The surgical stage remains the main one in the combined and complex treatment of breast cancer, and radical mastectomy is still the main option for surgical treatment of vast majority of Russians hospitals. The absence of the breast is both a physical and psychological trauma for a woman and leads to a profound deformation of the personality, significantly worsening the quality of life. Thus, reconstructive plastic surgery of the breast became an integral part of modern clinical oncology. Radiation therapy can lead to the development of complications after breast reconstruction, and vice versa, the reconstructed mammary gland can cause technical difficulties for the radiologist to properly adjust the required dose of irradiation. Thus, the surgeon and radiologist faced the task of choosing the optimal sequence of reconstruction and reducing the risk of complications in the postoperative period after radiotherapy for endoprothesis without affecting to the oncologic or cosmetic results of the reconstructed gland.
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