Introduction. Alterations in DNA homologous recombination repair (HRR) genes play an important role in the pathogenesis of metastatic prostate cancer (PC). Detection of HRR alterations is of practical importance because tumor cells with HRR deficiency are more sensitive to DNA — damaging agents and to PARP inhibitors.
Aim. To analyze the frequency and spectrum of hereditary and somatic mutations in the main HRR genes in Russian prostate cancer patients.
Materials and methods. The coding regions of 34 HRR genes were analyzed by targeted next — generation sequencing in a group of 541 predominantly aggressive PC cases. Paired DNA samples isolated from blood leukocytes and archived tumor tissue (n = 430), tumor only (n = 61) or normal (n = 50) samples were used for analysis.
Results. Hereditary or somatic pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants in any of the 34 HRR genes were detected in 102/541 (18.9 %) PC cases. A total of 121 mutations were detected in 102 patients, of which the majority (72/121, 59.5 %) were germline variants. Most frequently, mutations were detected in BRCA2 (25/121, 20.7 %), CDK12 (15.7 %), ATM (13.2 %), CHEK2 (11.6 %), NBN (7.4 %), BRCA1 (5.0 %), FANCM (4.1 %), RAD54L (3.3 %). The pattern of BRCA2, CHEK2, and NBN lesions was dominated by inherited defects (68.0, 92.9 and 66.7 %, respectively), whereas 56.3 % of ATM variants and all CDK12 mutations were of somatic origin. ATM and CDK12 mutations were represented by unique variants. In BRCA2, a nonsense substitution p.Gln2157Ter was detected twice.
Loss of heterozygosity in tumor tissue or a second somatic mutation was observed in 9/13 (69.2 %) patients with germline BRCA2 variants. Similar rates for ATM, CHEK2, NBN and BRCA1 genes were 57.1, 50.0, 40.0 and 50.0 % respectively.
Conclusions. The frequency of mutations in 34 HRR genes in aggressive PC is about 20 %. Germline disease — causing variants in BRCA2, CHEK2, NBN, ATM, BRCA1, PALB2 are found in about 10 % of metastatic PC. In addition, about 10 % of advanced PC carry germline or somatic alterations that predict the efficacy of PARP inhibitors.
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