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Solodkiy, V., Vazhinskaya, N., Panshin, G., & Izmaylov, T. (2020). RESULTS OF COMBINED AND INTEGRATED TREATMENT OF BRAIN STEM TUMORS IN ADULTS. Voprosy Onkologii, 66(2), 173–180.


Objectives: Analysis results of combined and integrated treatment of brain stem gliomas tumors in adults. Materials and methods: Retrospective analysis was carried out on the basis of clinical material collected from 2010 to 2019 in the radiotherapy clinic of FSBU «RNCRR» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (RNCRR). A total of 43 people were included in the study. 18 (41.86%) patients underwent surgery or stereotactic biopsy in the first stage of treatment. In the future, all patients underwent remote radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. According to the results of histologic verification of operated patients, brain gliomas were diagnosed in 100% of cases, with 10 people (23%) showing low grade gliomas (Grade I-II) and 8 (18.6%) showing high grade (Grade III-IV). Evaluation of treatment effectiveness, analysis of general and free survival cumulative disease by Kaplan-Mayer method using IBM SPSS Statistics software. Results: According to the study, the rate of free survival was 48.73 months, and the average general survival time was 51.54 months. Histologic type tumor did not significantly affect the rate of free survival (P. = 0.417), and the results of general survival were significantly higher in the group of patients with low grade gliomas compared to the group of patients with high grade tumors (P. = 0.036). Conclusion: Significant clinical factors must be taken into account when planning the treatment of brain stem tumors.
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