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Panshin, G., Sotnikov, V., Izmaylov, T., Slobina, Y., Smyslov, A., Vasilev, V., & Polushkin, P. (2020). EVALUATING THE MIM MAESTRO SYSTEM’S CAPABILITIES IN THE PROCESS OF PREPARATION AND CONDUCTING REMOTE RADIOTHERAPY. Voprosy Onkologii, 66(2), 187–195. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2020-66-2-187-195


The development of the mathematical model and software for deformable registration of tomographic images of various modalities made it possible to approach to solving a number of tasks such as automatic contouring, adaptive radiation therapy and evaluation of the patient's absorbed dose distributions. One of such the software systems implementing deformable registration is MIM and its module, focused on radiation therapy MIM Maestro. The mathematical basis of the MIM system is the deformable registration algorithms efficiency of which depended on the accuracy and speed of their operation. These parameters were estimated on the basis of deformable registration of CBCT data obtained on the TrueBeam linear accelerator in the process of implementing radiation therapy treatment plans, and initial CT data, on the basis of which the radiation treatment planning was carried out. A number of advantages of the MIM system (the ability to work in all major sections, predicting the shape of the contour) provide convenience and speed of the workflow, but do not allow abandoning the use of the Eclipse system due to its available possibilities related to features of radiation therapy (work with boluses, a library of therapeutic tables, appointment of material properties). Automatic atlas contouring based on deformable registration algorithms works at an acceptable speed, but requires manual editing of the result both when using the atlas supplied by the manufacturer with the MIM Maestro system and when using our own atlases created during the system testing. Thus, the MIM Maestro system, having a high potential of the deformable registration methods implemented in it, at the same time does not allow fully automating the process, but requires careful visual control and laborious manual correction of the result.

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