The state of cancer care in Russia: breast cancer among the female population. Year-by-year lethality, median survival, survival of patients with cancer. (Population study at the federal district level)
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breast cancer
North-Western federal district of the Russian Federation
Saint Petersburg
median of survival
year-by-year lethality
survival of patients accounting the stage of the disease
the detailed localization and histological structure of tumors

How to Cite

Merabishvili, V. (2022). The state of cancer care in Russia: breast cancer among the female population. Year-by-year lethality, median survival, survival of patients with cancer. (Population study at the federal district level). Voprosy Onkologii, 68(3), 294–302.


To get the real state of cancer care, it is necessary to use only reliable data that are available in all administrative territories in Russia – these are databases (DB) of population cancer registers (PСR).

The PRR system created in Russia almost completely complies to international requirements, the development of the database gives a real idea of the effectiveness of the anti-cancer measures carried out.
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