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Merabishvili, V., Okeanov, A., Moiseev, P., Yevmenenko, A., Krasilnikov, I., & Demin, Y. (2017). MALIGNANT TUMORS OF THE COLON IN BELARUS AND NORTHWEST FEDERAL DISTRICT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Voprosy Onkologii, 63(1), 28–37.


Background: Colon cancer (CC) refers to a group of malignant tumors (MT) with a high rate of morbidity increase. In Russia, only from 2000 to 2014 the standardized incidence rate has increased from 12.9 to 16.6 0/0000, or by 28.7% among males, and from 10.8 to 13.10/0000, or by 21.9 % among females. In the Republic of Belarus (RB) the level of CC incidence has increased from 12.0 to 18.0 0/0000 (by 50%) among males and from 9.0 to 13.40/0000 (by 44.4%) among females. In the City of Minsk the level of CC incidence was highest in 2000 and 2014 and has increased by 33.5%, while in St. Petersburg it was lower than in a number of regions of the North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation (NWFD RF) and has decreased by 8.8% for 15 years. Purpose of the study: To present a comparative evaluation of the main analytical rates of CC morbidity, its mortality and the state of contemporary diagnosis in RB and NWFD RF. Materials and methods: The basis of this work consisted of materials of population-based cancer registries databases of RB and NWFD RF. Also there were used published data to compare the basic parameters. For the estimation of the rates there were used the traditional methods. Standardized rates were estimated on the basis of the world standard population structure. Cartograms were prepared on the basis of the methodology of geographic information systems (GIS). Analysis of obtained data: There was performed a precise analysis of population-based data on CC, including particularly the 4th sign of ICD-10 and identified a number of patterns of CC incidence at present stage. Conclusion: CC incidence increases in Russia, North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation and in Republic of Belarus. Registering rates and the state of cancer control have improved at all comparable administrative territories. It primarily concerns such parameters as morphological verification level, early diagnosis, one-year lethality and others. Comparative monitoring and a study of experience in various administrative territories and countries with the best rates could be useful for planning effective anti-cancer programs.
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