Objectives: strengthening of the lower uterine segment and formation of a “closing apparatus” for carrying a subsequent pregnancy in the absence of the cervix in patients with cervical cancer after conserving treatment in the amount of radical transabdominal trachelectomy. Materials and Research Methods: the study included 54 patients with cervical cancer of stage I in the reproductive age who received treatment in the amount of radical transabdominal trachelectomy (RTT). In the course of surgery in the amount of RTT, after an imposition of an utero-vaginal anastomosis, the strengthening of the lower uterine segment by setting and fixing a mesh of NiTi and its modelling within the range from the lower uterine segment to the upper third of the vagina was performed. Results: with regard to the issue of strengthening the uterovaginal anastomosis, the implant took over the function of the basic “closing apparatus” of the uterine and provided functional support and stability of the utero-vaginal anastomosis against the effects of intrauterine and intraperitoneal pressure. Conclusion: the usefulness of a mesh implant of the superelastic NiTi was due to its biomechanical properties: it was not absorbed but got fused with the surrounding tissue and provided resistance of tissues to excessive strain.References
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