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Bespalov, V., Vasileva, I., Tochilnikov, G., Semenov, A., Stukov, A., Aleksandrov, V., & Vyshinskaya, Y. (2018). IMPROVEMENT OF EFFICIENCY OF TREATMENT OF ABDOMINAL CANCEROMATOSIS BY INTRAPERITONEAL POLYCHEMOTHERAPY ON MODEL OF DISSEMINATED OVARIAN CANCER. Voprosy Onkologii, 64(3), 440–444.


Intraperitoneal chemotherapy can potentially significantly improve the results of treatment of patients with abdominal carcinomatosis in ovarian cancer (OC). The aim of the study was to compare the antitumor activity of the combined action of cytostatics: dioxadet and melphalan, dioxadet and mitomycin C with their intraperiponeal administration, with the effects of these drugs in mono mode. In the model of transplanted ovarian tumor in 74 female rats, a single dose was administered: dioxadet, melphalan, or mitomycin C in doses of 1.5; 2; 1.5 mg/kg body weight, respectively, or a combination of these drugs in half doses. Antitumor effects of the treatment were assessed by the median survival time (MST) of rats in various groups. Dioxadet, mitomycin C and melphalan with an intraperitoneal administration statistically significantly increased the MST by 67, 28 and 103 %, respectively. The combination of dioxadet and mitomycin C did not show a significant additive antitumor effect. The combination of dioxadet and melphalan showed a potentiating effect, significantly increased the VST by 186 %, and can be recommended for clinical trials in patients with disseminated OC.
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