Superior vena cava resection and plastic repair as a part of surgical and combined treatment of lung cancer
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lung cancer
extended surgery
superior vena cava resection

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Levchenko, E., Ergnyan, S., Shutov, V., Krotov, N., Levchenko, N., Yurin, R., Murtazin, A., & Shabinskaya, V. (2022). Superior vena cava resection and plastic repair as a part of surgical and combined treatment of lung cancer. Voprosy Onkologii, 67(1), 59–63.


This article summarizes our own experience of reconstructive operations with resection and plastic repair of the superior vena cava in the field of locally advanced lung cancer surgery. Both technical aspects and methodological approaches of this type of combined interventions are described in detail. Data from 45 patients who underwent wedge (21) and circular (24) superior vena cava resections were analyzed. In most (65%) cases, venous resection and reconstruction were combined with multi-organ resections of other anatomical structures of the chest cavity. 87% of patients received combined treatment in different directions. Postoperative complications were registered in 40% of cases, and the mortality rate was 13%. The unfavorable postoperative prognostic factors were followings: old age, pneumonectomy, combination of vein angioplasty with carinal resection. The 5-year survival rate was 18.5%, with a median survival of 19.4 + 4.6 months. The results allow us to recommend such operations in highly specialized clinics that have extensive experience in tracheobronchial angioplastic surgery and highly-qualified anesthesia care providers. Multimodal treatment allows to achieve satisfactory long-term results.
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