Using a new model of the induction of radiation cystitis (RC) in rabbits, the treatment effectiveness of animals with intravesical administration of a biodegradable drug - a gel containing salts of alginic and hyaluronic acids, as well as dioxidine and lidocaine (AHDL) was assessed. The work was performed on female rabbits of the “Chinchilla” breed. Fractional irradiation of the rabbit urinary bladder was carried out by a linear photon accelerator: a single dose per fraction was 6 Gy administered daily for 5 days to a total focal dose of 30 Gy. As a result of irradiation of the bladder, the animals developed RC. AHDL-gel was injected intravesically using a catheter at a dose of 2500 mg / kg of body weight 3 times a day weekly for 2 months, starting from 1 month after irradiation. The drug had a pronounced therapeutic effect on the rabbits with RC: the values of clinical and laboratory indicators of cystitis in urea and blood were reduced, it was observed regression of morphological manifestations of inflammation in the bladder mucosa.
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