The combination of late radiation injuries of the pelvic organs in a patient after chemoradiotherapy of cervical cancer II b (cT2bN0M0) and their treatment (clinical example)
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cervical cancer
radiation injuries
vaginal radiation epithelitis (ulceration of the vagina)
radiation cystitis
radiation rectitis (radiation proctitis)

How to Cite

Sycheva, I., Kaprin, A., & Ivanov, S. (2022). The combination of late radiation injuries of the pelvic organs in a patient after chemoradiotherapy of cervical cancer II b (cT2bN0M0) and their treatment (clinical example). Voprosy Onkologii, 68(1), 99–105.


A clinical case of successful conservative treatment of radiation injuries (RI) of the pelvic organs (late radiation ulcerative-necrotic epithelitis of the vagina – ulceration of the vagina, late radiation ulcerative-necrotic cystitis and late radiation hemorrhagic rectitis) after CRT cervical cancer IIB art. (cT2bN0M0) is presented. There are still no standards for the treatment of RI either in our country or abroad. After treatment, the patient is observed in our department for 5 years (every six months) without relapses and progression of the main oncological disease and exacerbations of radiation injuries. This pathology is an important object for study. In the absence of the effectiveness of conservative treatment, endoscopic or subsequent surgical intervention is indicated. Keywords: cervical cancer; chemoradiotherapy; radiation injuries; vaginal radiation epithelitis (ulceration of the vagina); radiation cystitis; radiation rectitis (radiation proctitis).
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