Assessment Results of Personalized Rehabilitation Efficacy in Prostate Cancer Patients
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prostate cancer
determinants of efficiency
personalized rehabilitation

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Kasparov , B., Kovlen , D., Semiglazova , T., Kondrateva, K., Ponomarenko , G., Klyuge , V., Frolov, O., Kudryashova, T., Donskikh , R., Semiglazov , V., Nosov , A., & Belyaev, A. (2023). Assessment Results of Personalized Rehabilitation Efficacy in Prostate Cancer Patients. Voprosy Onkologii, 69(4), 732–738.


Aim. To conduct a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of personalized rehabilitation programs in patients with prostate cancer.

Materials and Methods. A combined cohort controlled clinical trial was conducted with the inclusion of 140 primary operable patients with prostate cancer (PC) who underwent laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. Patients were divided into two groups without randomization: one group received rehabilitation based on standard methods (control group), while the other received rehabilitation programs that incorporated technologies selected through a scientometric analysis (intervention group). The comprehensive analysis of effectiveness included the determination of indicators and determinants of effectiveness, as well as factor analysis and comparative analysis of alternative selection strategies.

Results. The concept of personalized rehabilitation for prostate cancer patients, incorporating evidence-based strategies in the use of rehabilitation technologies, improved the overall effectiveness of technology application (by 14 % compared to standard programs) and increased the proportion of highly effective rehabilitation program implementation (by 17 %).

The key determinants influencing the therapeutic effect after the rehabilitation programs, tailored to recommended technologies, were found to be the patient's anamnestic (age, disease stage) and anthropometric (BMI) parameters. On the other hand, therapeutic effects were achieved through the correction of urodynamic and clinical parameters, as well as the improvement of physical tolerance and increasing activity level when applying personalized rehabilitation programs.

Conclusion. Personalized rehabilitation for patients with PC, which involves the assessment of anamnestic, anthropometric, clinical, functional, and psychophysiological parameters, allows for the identification of determinants of the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs.
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##article.numberofviews## 165
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