Actuality of problem. Analysis of observed and relative survival is related to important criteria for evaluation of cancer control at the population-based level covering all patients on the administrative territory as well as the group of treated patients. Comparison of the effectiveness of treatment of patients in different countries allows revealing more adequate methods of complex anti-cancer activities. In this paper such study was carried out with respect to colon cancer according to population-based cancer registries of the Republic of Belarus and St. Petersburg.
Purpose of study is to compare dynamics of observed and relative survival rates in colon cancer patients in the Republic of Belarus and St. Petersburg.
Materials and methods. In the basis of the study there were taken databases of population-based cancer registries of the Republic of Belarus and St. Petersburg and also there was used standard methodology by constructing expectancy tables and estimating the significance of differences in rates. Analysis of obtained data. There was performed in-depth comparative analysis of dynamics of survival rates by sex, age and histological tumor types.
Conclusion. Conducted comparative study of survival colon cancer patients in the Republic of Belarus and St. Petersburg showed significant growth of rates however relative survival in Europe was much higher than in the Republic of Belarus and western regions of Russia.
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