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How to Cite

Bekhtereva, S., Imyanitov, Y., Vazhenin, A., Domozhirova, A., & Yaytsev, S. (2017). MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS OF BILATERAL BREAST CANCER. Voprosy Onkologii, 63(3), 435–439.


The problem of primary multiplicity of malignant tumors remains actual in oncology due to growing number of patients with polyneoplasia especially of the breast. Modern genetic studies use “genetically enriched” cases of cancer, which include in particular primary-multiple malignant tumors of the breast. Practically every tumor has an individual set of somatic mutations and genetic mechanisms of breast cancer appearance are very different. The multicentre study shows the role of recessive determinants of the predisposition to bilateral breast cancer without a family history. The obtained data could be used in clinical practice as a secondary prevention of breast cancer.
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