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Bershteyn, L., Vasilev, D., Poroshina, T., & Berlev, I. (2017). NUMERICAL COEFFICIENT FOR ENDOMETRIAL CANCER INDIVIDUAL RISK EVALUATION IN POSTMENOPAUSAL WOMEN. Voprosy Onkologii, 63(3), 461–465.


Increased frequency of endometrial cancer (EC) since the beginning of this century exceeds that of breast cancer and to a large extent can be attributed to dynamics of parameters, which characterize hormonal and metabolic status of ill women and molecular genetic landscape of transforming endometrium. During the past few years there are suggested several options for a personalized assessment of the risk of EC. The aim of this article is to propose and justify own version of this score with the idea of its further not only retrospective but also prospective testing both in relation to the risk of developing endometrial cancer as well as an additional marker helping to predict tumor response to treatment.
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