The article describes the experience of using ther-mochioradiotherapy in the combined treatment of distal locally advanced colorectal cancer, as well as comparing the effectiveness of treatment with chemoradiation therapy. The use of the proposed method as a component of the combined treatment of patients with rectal cancer allowed to increase the percentage of organ-preserving operations. As a result of thermochemotherapy, the prevalence of the primary tumor was significantly reduced, as a result of which the number of sphincter-bearing operations was reduced by almost 2 times (p <0.05). So the extirpation of the rectum was performed only by 16% (n = 4) of patients who received neoadjuvant thermoradiochemotherapy, a similar amount of surgical treatment was performed in 33% (n = 8) of cases in the chemoradiotherapy group. The results of treatment of patients with stages II distal rectal cancer of the II - IV stage allow the program to be regarded as an effective and safe method of treatment. This method will increase the percentage of organ-preserving operations, as a consequence, speed up the rehabilitation process and improve the standard of living of this category of patients.References
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