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Kasparov, B., Semiglazova, T., Kovlen, D., Ponomarenko, G., Klyuge, V., Krutov, A., Zernova, M., Kondrateva, K., Khidishyan, K., Adkhamov, B., Semiglazov, V., Levchenko, Y., & Belyaev, A. (2019). PHYSICAL METHODS OF REHABILITATION IN PATIENTS WITH LUNG CANCER: A SCIENTOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF EVIDENCE-BASED RESEARCH. Voprosy Onkologii, 65(4), 575–583.


Relevance: The strategy of finding evidence on the use of rehabilitation technologies in patients with lung cancer is based on scientometric analysis.

Methods: For the period from 1991 to 2018. Using PICO (T) technology in electronic databases (PEDro, PubMed, Elibrary, Cochrane Library), full-text analysis of 249682 studies was performed. MeSH bibliographic descriptors: «lung cancer», «rehabilitation», «physical therapy». Studies were evaluated on a PEDro scale, which includes 10 parameters of the level of evidence: randomization, endpoint evaluation, blinding, etc.

Results: The verified distribution profile of research on the quality of evidence showed that 55.9% of studies had a quality level of 4 to 8 on the PEDro scale. One study had a quality level of 9 points (0.8%). The bulk of research (69%) is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of exercise. Evaluation of the effectiveness of respiratory gymnastics, traditional health practices (Tai Chi, gypsy, yoga, etc.) are devoted to 7.5% of the studies. 6.5% of works are devoted to studying the effectiveness of acupuncture. Analysis of the effectiveness of non-invasive ventilation technology (mainly CPAP), the effects of artificially modified air (aerosol therapy, aerophytotherapy), and therapeutic physical factors of mechanical nature (massage, vibrotherapy) is devoted to 10.8% of studies. The use of technologies of physical rehabilitation measures using electromagnetic factors is devoted to 3.2%. In 2% of the studies, an assessment of the effectiveness of respiratory gymnastics was presented, and in a number of works, such technologies of physical rehabilitation, which are gaining popularity in the rehabilitation of patients with lung cancer, have been studied as kinesio-taping and audio-visual relaxation (1% each).

Conclusion: Clinical recommendations developed on the basis of the obtained results will form the basis of a new, evidence-based stage in the development of the rehabilitation of patients with lung cancer in Russia.
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