Lung cancer (LC) is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in the population of Russia and many economically developed countries of the world. At the same time, referring to localizations with a high mortality rate, the official data on the number of recorded primary cases (which form the incidence rate) are significantly underestimated, which is confirmed by the registration reliability index, which in many territories is higher than critical values. The aim of our study is to present the real state of the prevalence of PC in Russia, based on the newly created database (DB) of the population cancer register (PRR) of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation (NWFD RF) — the only one in Russia. We analyzed the loss of the number of primary patients who were not included in the state reporting, showed the real value of the achieved death rate of patients in the first year of dispensary observation, calculated the patterns of annual mortality of patients, the median of survival and 1 and 5-year survival of patients with lung cancer based on the database of the population cancer registry. Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation, on the materials of which for the first time in Russia the dynamics of changes in the detailed localization and histological structure of lung cancer was traced.
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