Burkitt lymphoma in patients with HIV infection: results of a Russian multicenter study
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HIV infection
Russian multicenter study
overall survival
CNS involvement
Burkitt lymphoma

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Popova, M., Chekalov, A., Tsygankov, I., Rogacheva, Y., Demchenkova, M., Grigoreva, M., Uspenskaya, O., Ruzhinskaya, O., Potapenko, V., Medvedeva, N., Zyuzgin, I., Kaplanov, K., Ksenzova, T., Levanov, A., Samoylova, O., Volkov, N., Beynarovich, A., Gusak, A., Lepik, K., Mikhailova, N., Baykov, V., & Kulagin, A. (2022). Burkitt lymphoma in patients with HIV infection: results of a Russian multicenter study. Voprosy Onkologii, 68(6), 786–796. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2022-68-6-786-796


Introduction. Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is a highly aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and it accounts for up to 40% of lymphomas in patients with HIV. The widespread application of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has contributed to improving outcomes of antitumor chemotherapy (CT) for HIV-associated lymphomas, including BL. Several publications in Russia are dedicated to therapy for BL, however, there are no publications on BL in HIV-infected patients.

Aim: to study the clinical and epidemiological characteristics and to give an assessment to outcomes of BL treatment in HIV-infected patients in the Russian Federation.Matherials and methods. The study included 37 HIV-positive patients treated for Burkitt lymphoma in 10 centers of the Russian Federation from 2010 to 2021.

Results. BL in HIV-infected patients was diagnosed at a young age (median 37 years, range 21–58 years), more often in men (75,7%), in the advanced stage (Ann Arbor stage IV ― 64,7%) and with extranodal lesions (73,5%), including the central nervous system (CNS) involvement (16,1%). Main therapy protocols: EPOCH-like courses (54,1%), block schemes (32,4%). In 76% of patients, antitumor CT included rituximab, and in 91.4% it went together with ART.

The median number of therapy courses was 4 (1–8). Overall survival (OS) at 1 year was 64% (95% CI 38–82%), progression-free survival (PFS) was 59% (95% CI 34–77%). CNS involvement (p=0.0064) and conducting antitumor chemotherapy without ART was a factor worsening OS (p=0.00016) and PFS (p=0.00012).

Conclusion. Prospective multicenter studies on BL treatment in HIV-infected patients are needed for improving therapy outcomes and prognosis.

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##article.numberofviews## 447
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